

Your comments suggestions and complaints are important to us. If you feel that our service is not up to your expectations or would like to discuss any matter, please let us know immediately so that we may hope to resolve the situation. When a complaint is received, it is dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to behandled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to patient’s concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

  1. The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about services we provide is the Practice Manager.
  2. If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to his or her complaint and refer him or her to the Practice Manager immediately. If the Practice Manager is not available at the time, then the patient will be told when he or she will be able to talk to the dentist and arrangements will be made for this to happen. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on.
  3. If the patient complains in writing, the letter will be passed on immediately to the Practice Manager.
  4. We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing as soon as possible, normally within two working days. We will investigate the complaint within ten working days of the complaint being received to give an explanation of the circumstances that led to the complaint. If the patient does not wish to meet us, then we will attempt to talk to him or her on the telephone. If we are unable to investigate the complaint within ten working days we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and the likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
  5. We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing to the patient immediately after completing our investigation.
  6. Proper and comprehensive reports are kept of any complaint received.
  7. If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to:

The Dental Complaints Service (08456 120 540)


The General Dental Council
37 Wimpole Street,
(the dentists’ registration body).

Code of practice for patient complaints

In this practice we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.

Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to customers’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service which we provide is James O’Farrell, our Complaints Manager.

If a patient complains on the telephone or at the reception desk, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to the Complaints Manager immediately. If the Complaints Manager is not available at the time, then the patient will be told when they will be able to talk to the dentist and arrangements will be made for this to happen. The member of staff will take brief details of the complaint and pass them on. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or if the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for someone else to deal with it.

If the patient complains in writing the letter or email will be passed on immediately to the Complaints Manager.

If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist, unless the patient does not want this to happen.

We will acknowledge the patient’s complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, normally within three working days.

We will seek to investigate the complaint within ten working days of receipt to give an explanation of the circumstances which led to the complaint. If the patient does not wish to meet us, then we will attempt to talk to them on the telephone. If we are unable to investigate the complaint within ten working days we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.

We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing immediately after completing our investigation.

Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received.

If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to:

The Dental Complaints Service, The Lansdowne Building, 2 Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Greater London CR9 2ER (Telephone: 08456 120 540) for complaints about private treatment

The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ (Telephone: 0845 222 4141), the dentists’ regulatory body for complaints about professional misconduct

The practice is committed to complying with the requirements of the legislation governing patient confidentiality including: Access to Health Records 1990, Caldicott Guidelines 1997, Confidentiality Code of Practice 1998, Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDC Standards for Dental Professionals 2009 on Principles of Patient Confidentiality.

For the purpose of this policy confidential information is defined as personal information provided by an individual in confidence including, but not limited to, such details as name, age, address, personal circumstances, race, health, sexuality, etc. Note that even the fact that a patient attends the practice is confidential. This information may be supplied or stored on any medium and includes images, videos, health records, computer records or verbally.

All staff members are aware of their responsibilities for safeguarding patient confidentiality and keeping information secure and have received appropriate training on the legislation requirements to ensure that:

No personal information given or received in confidence is passed on to anyone else without the prior consent of the information provider

No personal information given or received in confidence for one purpose is used for another purpose without the prior consent of the information provider

Patients are entitled to object to the use of their confidential information for any other purpose than their care

The duty of confidentiality to deceased patients is treated in the same way as that of living patients

The rules of disclosure are strictly followed every time information is passed on to another person or organisation

Patient information will only be used for teaching or research purposes when consent has been obtained, an explanation has been made to the patient as to the purpose and amount of information to be used and only the requisite minimum information released for that purpose.

Personal information is only disclosed to another person or organisation when:

The patient’s consent has been obtained.

The disclosure is in the patient’s best interest (referral).

The information recipient falls under the category of ‘needs to know basis’ and is directly involved in patient care or the use is justified for the purposes described in the list of circumstances in the ‘Disclosure on a need to know basis’ section.

Disclosure is required by a court or a court order.

Disclosure is required by law.

Information is requested by the police in order to detect or prevent serious crime.


Confidentiality of a child (> 16 yrs age) who is competent to make their own decisions should be respected if asked for it.

The practice treats breaches of confidentiality very seriously. No team member shall knowinglymisuse any confidential information or allow others to do so. Non-compliance with this policy may result in a disciplinary action.

The practice follows the GDC guidelines ‘Principles of Patient Consent’. All clinical team members providing treatment requiring consent are adequately trained and ensure that the patient has:

  • Enough information to make a decision (informed consent)
  • Made a decision (voluntary decision-making)
  • The ability to make an informed decision (ability).

The nature of treatment and all charges are clarified to the patient before the treatment commences and s/he is provided with a written treatment plan and cost estimate. All team members are aware that once the consent has been given it may be withdrawn at any time and they will respect the patient’s decision.

If the team member is uncertain about the patient’s ability to give informed consent they will consult their dental defence organisation for advice.

We ensure that:

  1. Patients have time to consider the treatment plan.
  2. Patients understand the fees, what they are for and how they need to pay.
  3. Patients are given receipts and statements of accounts when requested.
  4. We respect a patient’s wishes to have a second person to help understand the options and make an informed decision.
  5. We respect and take into account a patient’s decision to refuse or withdraw consent.


A child (> 16 years of age) may be competent to make their own decisions and should be respected.

Where a child is unable to give consent, we will identify who has parental responsibility.

The practice is committed to complying with the Data Protection Act 1998 by collecting, holding, maintaining and accessing data in an open and fair fashion.

The practice will only keep relevant information about employees for the purposes of employment, or about patients to provide them with safe and appropriate dental care. The practice will not process any relevant ‘sensitive personal data’ without prior informed consent. As defined by the Act ‘sensitive personal data’ is that related to political opinion, racial or ethnic origin, membership of a trade union, the sexual life of the individual, physical or mental health or condition, religious or other beliefs of a similar nature. Sickness and accidents records will also be kept confidential.

All manual and computerised records will be kept in a secure place; they will be regularly reviewed, updated and destroyed in a confidential manner when no longer required. Personnel records will only be seen by appropriate management.

Patients’ records will only be seen by appropriate team members. To facilitate patients’ health care the personal information about them may be disclosed to a doctor, health care professional, hospital, NHS authorities, the Inland Revenue, the Benefits Agency (when claiming exemption or remission from NHS charges) or private dental schemes of which the patient is a member. In all cases the information shared will be only that which is relevant to the situation. In very limited cases, such as for identification purposes, or if required by law, information may have to be shared with a party not involved in the patient’s health care. In all other cases, information will not be disclosed to such a third party without the patient’s written authority.

Our Practice recognises and conforms to the principles of the European Convention on Human Rights, particularly Article 14, and the Human Rights Act 1998 by creating an environment where all our patients and staff are treated with dignity and respect. This policy sets down our approach to equality, discrimination, diversity and human rights as it applies to all our patients and staff The person with responsibility for considering and taking action if any instances breach this policy:

James O’Farrell.

Discrimination is any form of unfavourable treatment. We recognise that any discrimination is harmful and is, in many cases, illegal.

Sex discrimination is any form of treatment which is unfavourable and which is gender or marital related. Discrimination according to sex is illegal under the terms of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975. The Act applies equally to both men and women. Sex discrimination is when one person is treated less favourably on the grounds of his or her sex than a person of the other sex would be treated under similar circumstances and can be direct or indirect.

Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination. It can be defined as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature or other conduct based on sex, which affects the dignity of those who work in or who attend the practice. This can include unwelcome physical or verbal conduct.

Race discrimination is any form of treatment which is unfavourable and which is related to colour, race or nationality. Discrimination according to race is illegal under the terms of the Race Relations Act 1976 and can be direct or indirect.

Racial harassment is a form of racial discrimination and might involve racist jokes or insults etc.

Religious discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably because of his or her religious beliefs. The Fair Employment Act 1989 enables employees who feel that they have been discriminated against on the grounds of religious belief or political opinion to take action against an employer.

Disability discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably because of disability. Occasionally a disability can limit a person’s capability for some forms of employment. Discrimination occurs when the treatment of the individual is unfavourable taking into account the disability. Age discrimination is where a person is treated less favourably on the grounds of age. The Employment and Equality (Age)

Regulations 2006 requires employers to foster a workplace culture in which discrimination and harassment, on the grounds of age, are unacceptable. Employers are also required to lay down procedures to enable employees to work past the age of 65 if they so wish.

Harassment is a form of discrimination where a person is made to feel uncomfortable because of their sex, race, disability, age or religion. It may involve action, behaviour, comments or physical contact, which is found offensive, objectionable or intimidating by the recipient.

Victimisation is when the employer treats an employee less favourably than other employees are treated because he or she has brought or threatens to bring proceedings, or give evidence or information against an employer with reference to the Sex Discrimination, Race Relation or Equal pay Acts.

The right to have equal pay provides equality in terms of an employee’s contract where he or she is employed to perform work, which is rated equivalent to that performed by a member of the opposite sex.

Through this policy, through training and by example, we wish to demonstrate that we do not tolerate any form of discrimination by anyone working at this practice against patients or other members of staff.

Specifically, we aim to prevent discrimination by:


  • We recognise all our patients as individuals with diverse needs
  • We will aim to accommodate the needs of our patients relating to any disability wherever possible
  • We will respect the rights and dignity of all our patients
  • We invite comments regarding improvements to the provision of our services in relation to patients with disabilities.


  • When applying for a role with this practice, our decisions will be based on skills, qualifications and experience and on who is most suitable for the job
  • Meet any needs you may have at interview and during employment wherever possible
  • Ensure that all staff have equal opportunity to take part in ongoing training and development.

If you feel that you are the subject of discrimination or harassment, or become aware that a/another member of staff, a patient or other person in the practice may be violating the principles contained in this policy, in the first instance you should let the perpetrator know how you feel verbally or in writing asking him or her to stop the behaviour. The practice takes all allegations and reports of incidents seriously.

Keep a record of the incident/s, raise the issue James O’Farrell and if the matter is not resolved, submit a written complaint.

Our dental team accept and recognise their responsibility to develop their knowledge of the signs of abuse and neglect to comply with the requirements of the General Dental Council (GDC) and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

As a practice, we are committed to protecting children, young people and adults at risk from harm of any kind by:

  • responding promptly to all identified and suspected safeguarding concerns by making a referral using the appropriate local referring mechanism.
  • maintaining a culture where staff can raise concerns openly and without reproach
  • providing an environment in which patients may discuss safeguarding
  • using Disclosure and Barring Service when recruiting staff to identify those with a history of causing harm.
  • ensuring staff undertake the safeguarding training which is appropriate for their role on joining the practice and read the PHE and NHS Guidance for Safeguarding in General Dental Practice as part of their induction
  • ensuring staff engage in periodic refresher training
  • keeping accurate records of identified or suspected safeguarding concerns
  • maintaining confidentiality, sharing patient information only with those who need it
  • discussing safeguarding updates at practice meetings
  • reviewing this policy at regular intervals

The Safeguarding Practice Lead (SPL) is:

The SPL’s role is to oversee safeguarding within the practice, identify and support staff safeguarding training needs and access appropriate support and advice on safeguarding matters.

In caring for our patients, we undertake to act in their best interests. Where a patient requires treatment that we are unable to provide, we refer the patient to another professional who is competent to provide it.

Where another professional accepts a patient on referral, they are fully responsible for any treatment provided, so we ensure they understand and are content with the proposed treatment prior to undertaking it.

Before referral

The referring clinician will obtain the patient’s consent to make the referral. The patient should understand the reasons for referral, what the treatment may involve and any possible complications that may arise. Where possible, they will be given the relevant contact details of the professional that they are being referred to and, if known, the likely timescales.

Before seeing the specialist, the patient will be allowed time to consider the risks involved and to provide any additional information that the specialist will need before starting treatment.

The referral

Where the referral is to a clinician external to the practice, the referral letter will be sent within 10 days of obtaining consent from the patient to make the referral, and includes:

  • The referring dentist’s name, correspondence address, telephone number and email address.
  • The name, address (including the postcode), date of birth and sex of the patient. The telephone number and email address of the patient will also be included to allow appointments to be made quickly and efficiently.
  • A summary of the patient’s relevant medical and dental history, with the patient’s consent.
  • A clear indication of the reasons for referral together with any specific needs of the patient (IV sedation, for example) or any particular types of treatment that may not be appropriate.
  • If the patient is being referred for diagnosis and/or treatment in relation to a medical problem, the duration of the problem will be included together with the patient’s attitude towards or understanding of the situation.
  • An indication of whether the patient requires treatment urgently or within a specific timescale.
  • The referral letter will be signed by the referring dentist, dated and a copy retained in the patient’s notes.
  • A copy of the referral letter will be offered to the patient, if requested.

A note of the referral will be recorded in the patient’s clinical records.

Accepting a referral

A clinician accepting a patient on referral will only undertake treatment they feel to be appropriate. If the accepting clinician feels that alternative or additional treatment is required, this will be discussed with both the referring clinician and the patient and consent obtained to an amended treatment plan and any costs involved. Changes to the original referral will be confirmed with the referring clinician.

On receipt of a referral, the accepting clinician will contact the patient as soon as possible to arrange an appointment. At the consultation appointment, the patient is given a full explanation of:

  • the proposed treatment and the timescales involved
  • the costs involved and when payment should be made.

The accepting clinician obtains informed consent from the patient before proceeding with the treatment.

On completion of the treatment

The accepting clinician writes to the referring clinician confirming that the treatment has been completed and what follow-up consultations (if any) are required. Changes to the treatment and associated complications are also recorded, together with any obvious concerns that the patient has as a result of the treatment. Where the referral is to another clinician within the practice, this information is provided in the patient’s clinical records.

All radiographs sent with the original referral letter are returned to the referring dentist with the report.

We take patient safety very seriously in this practice and aim to ensure that incidents affecting patient safety directly and indirectly are kept to a minimum at all times. No matter how careful people are with the work that they undertake, mistakes can sometimes happen – the best people sometimes make the worst mistakes. Within our practice we encourage everyone to report mistakes and near misses as soon as possible so that action can be taken promptly.

The following procedure should be followed:

  • if an event happens that affects patient safety or potentially affects patient safety.
  • if you feel something within the practice might affect patient safety in the future.
  1. James O’Farrell has been appointed the Patient Safety Officer within this practice. All patient safety incidents, near misses or concerns should be reported to her.
  2. The Patient Safety Officer will immediately enter the incident, near miss or concern in the incident report book and begin investigations on what happened, how it happened and why. She will consider with the clinician concerned whether the defence organisation should be informed.
  3. Where an incident has caused a patient harm or distress, the Patient Safety Officer will ensure that the patient has been given a full explanation of the incident and what action is being taken by the practice. Where appropriate, an apology will be given and followed up in writing if necessary. All communications with the patient (verbal and written) will be recorded.
  4. The Patient Safety Officer will also consider whether the patient, the immediate family of the patient, members of the team involved in the incident and those responsible for reporting the incident need further support. We aim to encourage reporting of adverse incidents and will not blame individuals when mistakes are made.
  5. When the details of the incident have been established, and if appropriate, the Patient Safety Officer will discuss the matter with the other members of the dental team at a practice meeting. Solutions or changes to current policies and protocols will be discussed fully and action agreed upon. If relevant, changes will be notified to the patient.
  6. The effectiveness of the solutions and/or changes will be reviewed at agreed intervals and the findings reported at practice meetings.
  7. The Patient Safety Officer will ensure that the incident is fully recorded and that the practice risk assessment is updated in the light of the proposed solutions or changes.
  8. The Patient Safety Officer will, where required, report adverse incidents to the Patient Safety Manager at the Strategic Health Authority, according to national guidelines.

At the Talbot House Dental Practice, we take great care with all the Personal Data we hold, to ensure we comply with best professional practice and with the law. For a full copy of our Data Privacy Notice please ask the data protection officer, James O’Farrell.

We're here to help


Talbot Dental
1 Talbot House, Friars Avenue
Shenfield CM15 8JA
Opening Hours
Monday 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 2.00 pm – 8.00 pm
Friday 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Saturday 9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Sunday Closed